On October 5, 2019, International Conference on Innovation in Education and Pedagogy (ICIEP) was held successfully in Tangerang, Indonesia. Conference Collaboration between Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) and UniversitasTerbuka (UT) with the theme conference “Innovative Digital Technology for Quality of Education 4.0” are to encourage the researchers to produce scientific work.
The opening was started with sing an Indonesia National Anthem by all the Participants, Speakers, and Committee.
Welcome remarks and FKIP Universitas Terbuka Journal Launching was opened by Prof. Udan Kusmawan (Dean of FKIP Universitas Terbuka & Conference Chair ICIEP). He really hopes that this international conference can improve the quality of education of researchers throughout the world, especially Indonesia, in accordance with the theme of today’s conference, “Innovative Digital Technology for Quality Education 4.0”.
Prof. Udan Kusmawan as Dean of FKIP Universitas Terbuka and Conference Chair ICIEP 2019Then Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as Founder and Chairman of Research Synergy Foundation & Co-Conference Chair ICIEP to give Global Research Ecosystem Speech
Continuing with Keynote Speech session to give and share their knowledge to all the participants, invitations, and attendees of ICIEP 2019.
The first speaker is Rector of Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia; Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.DThe second speaker is Prof. Ruth Reynold from Education Expert & GERT Team Leader of Global Education Research and Teaching Team, AustraliaThe third speaker is Prof. Dr. Suminto A. Sayuti from Cultural and Literary Experts of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, IndonesiaThe fourth speaker is Prof. Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham as Director of Mathematics Education and Leadership Programs of Utah State University, USAThe last speaker is Prof. Ahmad Rozelan Yunus from Faculty of Technology Management and Technopreneurship of Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
All Keynote Speakers already delivered their inspiring speech and now is time to Keynote Panel Session for Discussion and Q&A
Keynote Speakers Panel Session for discussion and Q&A
This session was run very quickly and we already in the end of opening ceremony, and it closed by group photo of all the participants, invitations, speakers, and committees.
Parallel session begun after lunch in the 5 separate rooms. In this session was divided by two parts. The first was presentation session and the second was discussion session.All the presenters had delivered/ shared their research and work eagerly at the presentation sessionFeedback from the session chairs also given to all presenters in order to motivate and encourage themWhile the presentation is done by each presenters, there is discussion session. The audience can directly ask questions, comments, or give other suggestion regarding presentation