4th International Conference on Teaching and Science Education (4th ICTASE) 2022
A remarkable event has occurred!
4th International Conference on Teaching and Science Education (4th ICTASE) – was an outstanding event held on March 08, 2022. This International Conference by was held virtually. This platform increased knowledge among researchers found ideas for further research, and found new research and collaboration opportunities.
4th ICTASE 2022
This event was successfully held virtually, and the conference was held in two days. Participants and audiences who attended came from various countries, such as Indonesia, Philippines, Cameroon, Egypt, Pakistan, China, Czech, Bhutan, and Mongolia. All researchers, scholars, and colleagues participated in the discussions and exchanged ideas at the scientific conference.
n this conference, we discuss and share research on Early Child Development, Mathematics Education, Management Education and Development, and Engineering Education.
The conference opened with a welcome address by Miss. Refani Putri Shintya F. as MC.
The next session was Ani Wahyu Rachmawati, S.Psi., MSM. as Co-Founder of Research Synergy Foundation and Co-Conference Chair of 4th ICTASE, continuing the introduction to the research synergy ecosystem. Her explanatory presentation gave informative information on participating in a global research forum. It delivered informative descriptions for lecturers, researchers, students, scholars, and academics, participating in global research forums, organizing international journal publications, and other updated information.
Online Presentation Session
The next session was an Online Presentation through moderated by Mr. Vahid Norouzi Larsari as a Session Chairs. He is the one who leads presenters when presenting their papers and his backgrounds are fromCharles University, Prague, Czech Republic. In this online presentation is consists of 4 participants.
The discussion was very intriguing, and essential questions are looming. All of the presenters presented the results of their research with great enthusiasm. They share the knowledge from a result of research to improve knowledge. As well as getting scientific feedback from the session chair and audience/attendee with a Q&A session. Through this virtual conference, we still have an opportunity to share knowledge, develop knowledge together, and get a new insight for each other.
Author: Heny Solekhah
Paper ID: ASE08106Paper Title: “Integrative Holistic Early Childhood Education (hi Ece) In Indonesia Amidst the Covid 19 Pandemic”
Author: Mary Judelle and Montillano Arbis
Paper ID: ASE08107
Paper Title: “Contextualized and Localized Guided Notes as Supplemental Material in Mathematics Learning”
Author: Ethel Reyes Chua
Paper ID: ASE08105Paper Title: “Accessible, Comprehensive, Continuous, Experiential, and Reflective (ACCER) Student Learning Framework of Paranaque City College”
Author: Marilyn Fernandez Isip
Paper ID: ASE08108Paper Title: “Challenges of Motorcycle Parts, Accessories, and Repair Services Business Amidst Pandemic”
The last session of the conference, awarding certificates to the presenter and session chair. This session was given by MC and 4th ICTASE Co-Conference Mrs. Santi Rahmawati. At the end of day 1, closing speech was given by Mrs. Santi Rachmawati as a Founder of Research Synergy Foundation.
With this virtual meeting, it is hoped that all participants will gain valuable knowledge, and collaboration will be formed to continue research so that it is more developed. Even though the pandemic still exists, this does not discourage us from researching and sharing knowledge globally from all participants in various countries. The 4th ICTASE conference is held as an ecosystem of scientific meetings following the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
See you on the next agenda!
Conference Website link: https://ictase.com/4thictase/
Watch 4th ICTASE Conference here: here
The abstract proceeding book with ISBN can be seen in the conference website 4th ICTASE or click the image below.