International Conference on Religion and Sustainable Development (ICoReSD)
A remarkable event has occurred!
The International Conference on Religion and Sustainable Development (ICoReSD) – was an outstanding event held on October 10-11, 2022. This International Conference is a collaboration between Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) and was held virtually. This conference has given a chance to increase knowledge among researchers found ideas for further research, and new found research and collaboration opportunities.
This conference was held in two days and it has been a great success. Participants and audiences who attended came from various countries, such as Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Italy, United Kingdom, Nepal, Haiti, Czech Republic, and many more.
All researchers, scholars, and colleagues participated in the discussions and exchanged ideas at the scientific conference. This year, the conference brought up the theme of “Fostering Justice and Peace for Sustainable Development in A Post-Pandemic World” and encourage all researchers, lecturers, students, practitioners, and academicians to exchange and share their thought and finding in various spectrum in the field of Religion studies, Social Science, Economics, Education, Business, Economic and more.
In this conference, we discuss and shares research on Religion studies, Sustainable Development, Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Psychology, Education, Business, Economics, Cultural Studies, Communications, Literature, International Relations, Peace Studies, Management Science, Engineering, and Technology.
The Master of Ceremony (MC) of the day was Mrs. Santi Rahmawati, S.T., M.S.M. She opened the conference and delivered important announcement and guidelines for the virtual conference.

Day-1 (October 10, 2022)
The opening ceremony on Day 1 of ICoReSD: 15th HASIB was opened by a welcoming remarks from Dr. Yusdani, M.Ag. as the Conference Chair of ICoReSD from Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII).

Then, an opening speech was delivered by DR. Drs. Asmuni, M.A as the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies from Universitas Islam Indonesia.

Then, the conference continued with report notes from Associate Professor Dr. Winai Dahlan as Conference Chair of the ICoReSD.
Next, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as the Co-Conference Chair of ICoReSD and Founder & Chairperson of Research Synergy Foundation delivered an introduction to Global Research Ecosystem.

A group photo was taken consisting of all participants, presenters, and attendees.
After the opening ceremony, the conference then continued by the Keynote Speaker session.
Keynote Speaker Session – Day 1
The first Keynote Speaker of Day 1 was Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widodo Brontowiyono, M.Sc from the Environmental Engineering Department of Universitas Islam Indonesia. His topic was about “Environmental Degradation, Sustainability: A Religion Challenge”.

Then, the second Keynote Speaker was Fr. Nathaniele A Denlaoso. He is the President at St. Vincent’s College Incorporated. In his session, he talked about “Religion and Sustainable Development, Fitting in The Framework for The Future”.

Academic Presentation – Day 1, First Session
The next session was an Academic Presentation session moderated by Session Chair. On this occasion, the Session Chair was Prof. Dr. Joseph G. Refugio from St. Vincent’s College Incorporated, Philippines.
The academic presentation on the first session of Day 1 consisted of four presenters from track Social Sciences and Education.
Academic Presentation – Day 1, Second Session
After the lunch break, the conference continued by the second session of academic presentation. In this opportunity, the Session Chair leading the academic presentation was Dr. Ir. Benny Hutahayan, MM. From Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia. The track being discussed in the second session is Religion.
All of the presenters were given certificate of participation for their excellent presentation on their research.
Keynote Speaker Session 2 – Day 1
Next, the event was continued by a second session of Keynote Speaker. In this session, the speaker was Dr. Hafiz Sejad Mekić, Ph.D. from Cambridge Muslim Collage, United Kingdom. His topic of speech was “The Role of Religion in the Post-Modern World: The Spiritual Roots of the Environmental Crisis”.

After the speech, it was then time for a token of appreciation to all of the Session Chairs and all the speakers who has supported the first day of The International Conference on Religion and Sustainable Development (ICoReSD). In this session, the appreciation to the Best Presentation was also announced. Each of the awardee received the certificate, announced by the MC.
Best Presentation for Day 1
The Best Presentations – The International Conference on Religion and Sustainable Development (ICoReSD) Day 1 are:
Best Academic Presentation DAY 1, Session 1
Name: Ujang Maman
Affiliation: Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Title: Exploring Halal Awareness Within a Heterogeneous Society: The Case of Meat Consumer in Indonesia
Best Academic Presentation DAY 1, Session 2
Name: Badrah Uyuni
Affiliation: Universitas Islam As-Syafi’iyah
Title: Ideal Model Dakwah of Female Ulama in Era Digital
The first day of the conference was closed by Dr. Anisah Budiwati, S.H.I., M.S.I. as the Chief of Doctoral Program of Islamic Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, delivering closing speech of The International Conference on Religion and Sustainable Development (ICoReSD).
Day-2 (December 16, 2022)
After the opening remarks by the MC, the second day of The International Conference on Religion and Sustainable Development (ICoReSD) was begun by a Welcoming Remark by Dzulkifli Hadi Imawan, Lc, M.Kom.I, Ph.D. as the Chief of Master of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Indonesia.

The attendees and other participants were allowed to ask questions and discussed the topic delivered by the Keynote Speaker. After that, the conference continued by virtual academic presentation.
Academic Presentation – Day 2, First Session
In this first session of the second day, the virtual meeting was separated into two Breakout Rooms. This allowed for a profound and concentrated discussion based on the topic of research. Introduced by the MC, the Session Chairs for each of the Breakout Rooms were:
Breakout room 1:
Prof. Raymond Chris Maribojoc from St. Vincent’s College Incorporated, Philippines
Mr. Muhammad Muzamil Sattar from Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
Breakout Room 2:
Mr. Vahid Norouzi Larsari from Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Dr. Joseph G. Refugio from St. Vincent’s College Incorporated, Philippines
The presenters in Breakout Room 1 and 2
The matters and researches being discussed in the Breakout Room 1 were Entrepreneurship, Psychology, and Cultural Studies. The discussion went lively with questions from the participants.
Meanwhile, in the Breakout Room 2, the tracks being discussed were Humanities, Psychology, and Educational Psychology. The Session Chairs helped to create a flowing discussion among the participants on the research topics.
After the announcement of token of appreciation and certificate of participation to the presenters, all the participants were dismissed for a lunch break. The academic presentation would be continued after the break.
Academic Presentation – Day 2, Second Session
On the second session of the day, all virtual participants were invited to the Main Room and Breakout Rooms were closed. On the Main Room, the Session Chairs were:
– Dr. Ir. Benny Hutahayan, MM. From Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
– Dr. Sheila S. Dalumpines from St. Vincent’s College Incorporated, Philippines
The tracks being discussed in this session were Humanities, Religion, and Law. The discussion went smoothly with questions coming from the attendee and other presenters.
Next, there was a short break for score recapitulation to announce Best Presentation for Day 2 and Best Paper in The International on Religion and Sustainable Development.
Best Presentation for Day 2 and Best Paper in ICoReSD
The Best Presentation – The International Conference on Religion and Sustainable Development (ICoReSD) Day 2 is:
Best Academic Presentation DAY 2, Breakout Room 1
Name: Sofi Ekiana Putri
Affiliation: UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia
Title: Model for the Election of Substitute Regional Heads Officer in the Transitional Period based on Democratic Principles
Best Academic Presentation DAY 2, Breakout Room 2
Name: Anindita Shalsabilla
Affiliation: Universitas Islam Indonesia
Title: Nomophobia and Learning Motivation of High School Students
Best Academic Presentation DAY 2, Session 2
Name: Zaimuddin
Affiliation: Institut Agama Islam Al-Qur’an Al-Ittifaqiah
Title: Implementation of Religious Moderation in Curriculum Institut Agama Islam Alquran AlIttifaqiah
Best Paper
Name: Dita Sari Lutfiani
Affiliation: Universitas Islam Indonesia
Title: The Role of Equity Crowdfunding Business Model in Improving Employee Welfare Based on
Maqashid Shari’ah Perspective: Case Study of SMEs Listed in Santara Platform
Congratulation to all of the presenters who have put their best effort in presenting their topic of research in The International Conference of Religion and Sustainable Development (ICoReSD). Hope that your research would be a great contribution to the scientific and development of knowledge.
The international virtual conference was closed off by a closing speech from Dr. M. Roem Syibly, S.Ag., MSI., a Lecturer in Islamic Family Law Study Program, Universitas Islam.

With this virtual meeting, it is hoped that all participants will gain valuable knowledge, and collaboration will be formed to continue research so that it is more developed. The ICoReSD conference is held as an ecosystem of scientific meetings following to exchange and share their thought and finding in various spectrum of Jakarta International Conference on Research Innovation and Sustainable Development.
See you on the next agenda 2023!
Conference Website link:
Documentation Photo and Video JICRISD 2022 Conference HERE