Book of Abstract Conference Proceeding International Conference on Post-Pandemic Society (ICPPS)
Proceedings of International Conference on Post-Pandemic Society (ICPPS) is a scientific output from a conference collaboration program between Universitas Paramadina and Research Synergy Foundation. ICPPS provides an interdisciplinary platform for gathering scholars, researchers, and practitioners to disseminate ongoing research during the pandemic and as a way to overcome changing environment after the global pandemic.
The Proceeding covers theoretical practices and their implications in Philosophy, Psychology, Education, Art, Comunication Studies, Management, and Accounting. The expected contribution of this Proceeding is to give an multidisciplinary insight into the latest research and study in the mentioned fields related to the society after the global pandemic.
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Editorial :
Dr. Aan Rukmana
Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
Santi Rahmawati, MSM.