Book of Abstract Conference Proceeding of Jakarta International Conference on Research Innovation and Sustainable Development (JICRISD 2024)
Abstract Book of The Jakarta International Conference on Research Innovation and Sustainable Development (JICRISD 2024) is an abstract conference proceeding from the 9th MASOS international conference which is organized by Pusat Kajian Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dan Strategis (PUSKA SSUD), Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) and Research Synergy Foundation. JICRISD 2024 aims to promote international and regional collaboration, networking, and education in sustainable natural resources area. This conference provides a multidisciplinary platform for gathering scholars, researchers, and practitioners from different disciplinary backgrounds to disseminate ongoing research related to sustainable natural resources area. The conference aims to foster collaboration, exchange knowledge and experience, and promote research excellence and innovation in these areas.
The Abstract Book covers theoretical practices and their implications in the field of Social Science, Engineering and technology, Economics, Computer sciences, Entrepreneurship, Accounting, Environmental Science, Law, Political science, Sustainability studies, Management, Business, and many more.
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Editorial :
Dr. Dianwicaksih Arieftiara, SE., Ak., M.Ak., CA., CSRS.
Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
Santi Rahmawati, MSM.