The 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation (2nd ICMRSI)
A remarkable event has occurred!
The 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation (2nd ICMRSI) was an outstanding event held on February 14-16, 2023. This International Conference is a collaboration between Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF), co-hosted by Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UTMJ) dan Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira (Unwira). This conference was held on virtual platform and has given a chance to increase knowledge among researchers found ideas for further research, and new found research and collaboration opportunities.
This event was held in two days and the virtual conference has been a great success. Participants and audiences who attended came from various countries, such as Indonesia, Austria, Singapore, Philippines, Czech Republic, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Algeria, India, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, UEA, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Nigeria, and many more.
All researchers, scholars, and colleagues participated in the discussions and exchanged ideas at the scientific conference. This conference theme is to This year, the conference brought up the theme of “Toward Innovation Excellence; Reframing Socio Economic, Science, Technology and Practice Relationship” and aimed strengthen multidisciplinary research from basic for share their thought and findings in various spectrum of socio-economic, science, technology, and other related field of studies. This international conference was divided into two session each day, with each session divided into 6 paralel breakout rooms for presenters.
In this conference, we discuss and shares research topic surrounding General Psychology and Experiments, Social/Educational/Development Psychology, Organizational & Industrial Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Economics and Business, Human Resource Development, Accounting/Management/Marketing, Broadcasting/Public Relations/Digital Marketing, Visual Design Communication, Civil/Industrial Engineering and Architecture, Informatics/Information System, Education, Public Health, Law and Regulations, Art, and Humanities, and Women and Gender Studies.
Day-1 (February 14, 2023)
The opening ceremony on Day 1 of 2nd ICMRSI was opened by welcoming remarks and opening speech by Prof. Ir. Sri Astuti Indriyati, MS., Ph.D. as Conference Chair of 2nd ICMRSI and also the Rector of Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I. Then, an opening speech was delivered by Prof. Dr. Engr. Yudi Yulius, MBA, the Foundation’s President & Coordinator of the Y.A.I Private Institution of Higher Education.
Rector of Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I
Then, the conference continued by an introduction to the Global Research Ecosystem Introduction by Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as the Co-Conference Chair of 2nd ICMRSI and theFounder & Chairperson of Research Synergy Foundation.

Co-Conference Chair of 2nd ICMRSI
Founder & Chairperson of Research Synergy Foundation
This year, the conference consisted of of 119 presenters and more than 1.100 attendees from 32 countries.
Keynote Speaker Session – Day 1, First Session
The next session was the Keynote Speaker session from Dr. Phil. Idhamsyah Eka Putra from Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I with his Co-Keynote Speaker, Yulia Hanami, Ph.D. The topic of the speech was “Academic Publications and Technology: Pros & Cons in Indonesia”.

Online Academic Presentation Session – Day 1, First Session
After the Keynote Speaker Session and the token of appreciation, the conference then continued by an Online Academic Presentation Session. The attendees were asked to attend the Breakout Rooms which were separated into 6 Breakout Rooms with each different tracks and Session Chairs. For the first day on Session 1, the Session Chairs were:
- Breakout Room 1: Dr. Joycelyn S. Dayrit from Holy Angel University, Phillipines moderating the Track Psychology
- Breakout Room 2: Dr. Xin Jean Lim from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia moderating the Track Management
- Breakout Room 3: Dr. Jennifer H. Operio, LPT from Holy Angel University, Phillipines moderating the Track Humanities
- Breakout Room 4: Dr. Abdul Aziz Lai Bin Mohd Fikri Lai from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia moderating the Track Economics
- Breakout Room 5: Dr. Hazrina Mansor from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia moderating the Track Civil Engineering
- Breakout Room 6: Dr. Rovena I. Dellova from Lyceum of the Philippines University, Phillipines moderating the Track Education and Economics
Each of the Breakout Room was moderated by a Session Chair with an expertise of the Track discussed. The discussion went lively as questions were asked and answered on the online platform. The agenda then followed by a lunch break, and all the attendees were asked to stay until after the break for the second session of Keynote Speaker.
Keynote Speaker Session – Day 1, Second Session
After the lunch break, the agenda was the Keynote Speech from Professor Dr. Severin Hornung from the Institute of Psychology of the University of Innsbruck, Austria. He is also the Co-Founder of Innsbruck Groupon Critical Research in Work and Organizational Psychology (I-CROP). His speech topic was “Transforming Work and Organizational Psychology: Research(ers) for Social Justice and Sustainability”.

The attendees were all excited for the speech delivered, it showed from a good deal of questions asked by the attendees in the discussion session.
Online Academic Presentation – Day 1, Second Session
The next session was an Online Academic Presentation session moderated by Session Chair as follows:
- Breakout Room 1: Dr. Alam Zeb Khattak from International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan moderated the Track Psychology
- Breakout Room 2: Dr. Mageswari Ranjanthran from Sunway University, Malaysia moderated the Track Management
- Breakout Room 3: Dr. Joycelyn S. Dayrit from Holy Angel University, Phillipines moderated the Track Humanities
- Breakout Room 4: Dr. Chong Kim Mee from Graduate School of Business, SEGi University, Malaysia moderated the Track Economics
- Breakout Room 5: Dr. Hazrina Mansor from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia moderated the Track Civil Engineering and Architecture and Design
- Breakout Room 6: Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih from Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic moderated the Track Education
In the second session, the discussion went smoothly on all The presenters attended on-site and the questions came from both on-site and virtual attendees. After all the presenter finished with their presentation, all the presenters and attendees in the Breakout Rooms went back to the Main Room for the Best Presenter announcement and Closing Speech.
Best Presentation for Day 1
The Best Presentation – The 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation Day 1 are:
Best Presentation DAY 1 – SESSION 1
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 1: MSI23139 – Sri Budhi Setiyaningsih : The Effect of Work Stress on Work Engagement for Police Members who are Carrying Out Police Operational Duties
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 2: MSI23127 – Hedwigh Hendrikus Temai Lejap: Determinants of Saving Behaviour of Undergraduate Students in Nusa Tenggara Timur
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 3: MSI23132 – Hendrix Yulis Setyawan : Technology Dissemination of Beef Processing Machines into Meat Floss to Improve the Pinogu Economy
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 4: MSI23148 – Lambas Panggabean : Technology Foresight in Indonesia: Developing Scenarios to Determine Electrical Vehicle Research Priority for Future Innovation
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 5: MSI23197 Gambiro : Design and Production of Lead Rubber Bearings for Earthquake Absorbers
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 6: MS123137 – Aina Suriani Mahmood : Mayday! Mayday! What Critical Communication Skills are Needed for Young Aviators?
Best Presentation DAY 1 – SESSION 2
Best Presentation DAY 1 – SESSION 2
l Best Presenter Breakout Room 1: MSI23204 Rudy Sutadi – Development of BALSH Rating Chart into Smart SCB-FDI Evaluation for identification and elimination of foods that have a negative effect on people with autism in Smart Biomedical Intervention Therapy (Smart BIT)
l Best Presenter Breakout Room 2: MS123157 – Christu Raja : To Accept or Not to Accept? The Impact of Lay Belief about AI on Acceptance of Algorithmic Recommendation
l Best Presenter Breakout Room 3: MSI23180 – Michelle Van Eusebio Sison : Practices, Challenges, and Lessons Learned in Selected Resorts and Hotels in the Province of Zambales: Basis for Sustainable Operations
l Best Presenter Breakout Room 4: MSI23227 – Salomon Leki : The Use of Village Funds as an Effort to Handle Stunting (Noelbaki and Oelnasi Village of Kupang Regency Case Study)
l Best Presenter Breakout Room 5: MSI123224 Martinus Nifotufo Fau : Application of the Indonesian National Production Base Isolation LRB System in Building
l Best Presenter Breakout Room 6: MS123209 – Aplonia Nelci Ke Lomi : The Social Factors That Influence Children’s Interactions and Children’s Behavior in Classroom Settings
The Closing Remarks was delivered by Dr. Choirul Anwar SE, MBA, MAFIS, MCIS, Ak, CA, CPA, CSRS, CSRA, CPI as the Director of International Office of UPI Y.A.I.
Day-2 (February 15, 2023)
On the second day of the 2nd ICMRSI, the first agenda of the day is the Welcome Remarks by Dr. Sularso Budilaksono, M.Kom as the Head of Organizing Committee 2nd ICMRSI. After that the MC led the conference for the next session, which was the Keynote Speaker Session.
Keynote Speaker Session – Day 2, First Session
In the first session of Day 2, the Keynote Speaker was Dr. Oktoviano Gandhi from the National University of Singapore/Alva Energy/Research Synergy Foundation. His topic of speech was Multidisciplinary Research in Solar Energy. After the token of appreciation, the attendees were then asked to go into the Breakout Rooms for the online academic presentation.
Online Academic Presentation Session – Day 2, First Session
There were 6 Breakout Rooms and each discussed different Tracks of research. Each of the Breakout Rooms were led by a Session Chairs who moderated the
- Breakout Room 1: Dr. Alam Zeb Khattak – International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan moderated the Track Psychology
- Breakout Room 2: Dr. Joycelyn S. Dayrit – Holy Angel University, Phillipines moderated the Track Management
- Breakout Room 3: Dr. Soliha Sanusi – National University of Malaysia, Malaysia moderated the Track Accounting and Economics
- Breakout Room 4: Dr. Eva Lim Wei Lee – UCSI University, Malaysia moderated the Track Economics
- Breakout Room 5: Assoc. Prof.Dr. Shee Yu Gang – Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia moderated the Track Industrial Engineering
- Breakout Room 6: Dr. Sheila S. Dalumpines – St. Vincent’s College Incorporated, Philippines moderated the Track Human Resources Management and Visual Communication
There were one session on the Breakout Room and after all presenters delivered their researches, all the presenters and attendee took a break for lunch.
Keynote Speaker Session – Day 2, Second Session
After the lunch break, the Keynote Speaker session featured Thomhert Suprapto Siadari, Ph.D from the AI Research Center, DDH Inc. Seoul, Rep. of Korea. The topic of speech was Revolutionizing Dentistry with Artificial Intelligence. The speech then followed by a lively discussion on the QnA session.
Online Academic Presentation Session – Day 2, Second Session
On the second day, the second session of online academic presentation started after the Keynote Speaker session. The participants were all divided into 6 Breakout Rooms. Each of the Breakout Room was moderated by a Session Chair as follows:
- Breakout Room 1: Dr. Rovena I. Dellova – Lyceum of the Philippines University, Phillipines moderated the Track Psychology and Clinical Psychology
- Breakout Room 2: Prof. Dr. Joseph G. Refugio – St. Vincent’s College Incorporated, Philippines moderated the Track Management
- Breakout Room 3: Dr. Mageswari Ranjanthran – Sunway University, Malaysia moderated the Track Humanities
- Breakout Room 4: Dr. Abdul Aziz Lai Bin Mohd Fikri Lai – Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia moderated the Track Accounting and Public Health
- Breakout Room 5: Dr. PD Mahendhiran – Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, India moderated the Track Inforation System
- Breakout Room 6: Dr. Reshma V.K – Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, India
The discussion went well and questions were coming from participants and attendees in the virtual platform.
The last session of the conference, awarding certificates to the best presenter, best paper, and recognition for the Session Chairs. The selection of the best presenter and best paper were given based on the assessment of the session chairs in charge of online academic presentation.
Best Presentation for Day 1
The Best Presentation – The 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation Day 1 are:
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 1: MSI23210 Dewi Syukriah – Risks of Excessive Gadget Use in Children (Generation Z)
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 2: MSI23206 – Hsunchi Chu : The Mediating Role of Consumer Guilt on the Relationship between Online Resale and Purchase Intention
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 3: MSI23108 – Thomas Dhanny Setiawan : Transfer Pricing Anti Avoidance Rules and International Tax Avoidance
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 4: MSI23232 – Sri Setiawati : Regional Public Services Agency Income, Retribution Revenue and Non-Capitation Funds BPJS Health at Public Health Center of Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta Administration City
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 5: MSI23163 – Bara Yudhistira : Optimization of Cold Plasma Treatment for Setting Up Active Film by Pickering Emulsion of Myristica Fragrans Essential Oil
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 6: MSI23231 – Woro Harkandi Kencana : Infographics as Visual Data Journalism on Online News Portals
Best Presentation DAY 2 – SESSION 2
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 1: MS123125 SHEILLA SARTIKA SALSABILLA – A Correlation Between Self Esteem and Self Acceptance with Body Dysmorphic Disorder Tendency in Female Adolescents in Bps&K 1 Jakarta Senior High School
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 2: MSI23214 Rama Dhonal – The Effect of Financial Education and Financial Promotion on Investment Decision Making Through Financial Literacy
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 3: MS123205 Rheem Jatol – Travel Restrictions in Siargao: An Intervention for Island Conservation as Perceived by Tourists in National Capital Region
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 4: MSI23136 MARIA ODRIANA VERONICA MOI – Accountability in Perspective Sua Death Tradition
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 5: MSI23138 Rudi Sutomo – Implementation of AHP-MOORA Approach Selection of Web-Based Mortgage Provider Banks
- Best Presenter Breakout Room 6: MSI23173 Wahyu Tisno Atmojo – Design of the Cikolelet Tourism Village Virtual Reality Tour Application to Respons the Challenges of the 4.0 Tourism Era
At the end of second day, closing speech was delivered by Dr. Euis Puspita Dewi , ST. M,Si as the Vice of Head Organizing Committee 2nd ICMRSI 2023.
2nd ICMRSI 2023 conference was held successfully in two days.
With this international conference, it is hoped that all participants will gain valuable knowledge, and collaboration will be formed to continue research so that it is more developed. The committee and participants look forward for the next 3rd ICMRSI with further collaboration and interesting topics.
See you on the next agenda 2023!
Conference Website link:
Link Live stream 2nd ICMRSI DAY 1:
Live 1 >
Live 2 >
Live 3 >
Link Live stream 2nd ICMRSI DAY 2:
Live 1 >
Live 2 >
Live 3 >
Documentation Photo and Video 2nd ICMRSI Conference here.
The abstract conference proceeding book with ISBN can be seen in the conference website or click the image below.