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Image - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation (ICMRSI) 2022

International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation (ICMRSI) 2022

A remarkable event has occurred!

International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation (ICMRSI) – was an outstanding event held on February 14-15, 2022. This International Conference by was held virtually. This platform increased knowledge among researchers found ideas for further research, and found new research and collaboration opportunities.


This event was successfully held virtually, and the conference was held in two days. Participants and audiences who attended came from various countries, such as Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Egypt, Yamen, Morocco, Mongolia, Oman, Myanmar, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, China, India, Australia and Bangladesh.

All researchers, scholars, and colleagues participated in the discussions and exchanged ideas at the scientific conference. This conference theme is Embracing Change- Finding Breakthrough Innovation

In this conference, we discuss and share research on General Psychology and Experiments, Social/Educational/Development Psychology, Organizational & Industrial Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Economics and Business, Human Resource Development, Accounting/Management/Marketing, Broadcasting/Public Relations/Digital Marketing, Visual Design Communication, Civil/Industrial Engineering and Architecture, Informatics/Information System, Education, Public Health, Law and Regulations, Art and Humanities, Women and Gender Studies.

DAY 1 of ICMRSI 2022

The conference opened with a welcome address by Mrs. Santi Rahmawati as MC.
(PHOTOS OF Ms. Santi)

Next session was presented by Prof. Ir. Sri Astuti Indriyati, MS., Ph.D a Conference Chair of ICMRSI, and as a Rector of Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I. She was giving welcome remarks and opening speech from the committee. She hoped that this event could bring a better research ecosystem and the opportunity to strengthen research in the future. 

(Prof. Ir. Sri Astuti Indriyati, MS., Ph.D)

Next session was presented by Professor Doctor Engineer Yudi Yulius, MBA, Foundation’s President & Coordinator of the Y.A.I Private Institution of Higher Education. He was giving welcome remarks and opening speech from the foundation committee. 

(Yudi Yulius, MBA)

The next session was Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih as Founder & Chairman of Research Synergy Foundation and Co-Conference Chair of ICMRSI, continuing the introduction to the research synergy ecosystem. Her explanatory presentation gave informative information on participating in a global research forum. It delivered informative descriptions for lecturers, researchers, students, scholars, and academics, participating in global research forums, organizing international journal publications, and other updated information.

(PHOTOS OF Prof. Ir. Sri Astuti Indriyati, MS., Ph.D and Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih)

Keynote Speaker Session 1

The First keynote speaker session from Dr. Sharifah Nurafizah Syed Annuar from Universiti Teknologi MARA Sabah Branch, Malaysia.

(PHOTOS Dr. Sharifah Nurafizah Syed Annuar)

Keynote Speaker Session 2

The next keynote speaker session from Prof. Dr. Ir. Anoesyirwan Moeins, M.Si., M.M as a Permanent Professor of Management Science at Doctoral Program at FEB UPI Y.A.I. 

(PHOTOS Prof. Dr. Ir. Anoesyirwan Moeins)

Online Presentation Session 1

The next session was an Online Presentation through 3 breakout rooms and moderated by 3 Session Chairs. They are the one who lead presenters when presenting their papers and their backgrounds are from various universities in the world. In Breakout Room 1 leads by Dr. Saddam A. Hazaea, from Yunan University of Finance and Economics, China. Breakout Room 2 leads by Dr. Yeo Sook Fern, from Multimedia University, Malaysia. Breakout room 3 leads by  Assoc. Prof. Rovena I. Dellova, DEM, from Lyceum of the Philippines University, Philippines. Each breakout room consists of 7 to 8 participants.

Breakout Room 1: Session Chair: Dr. Saddam A. Hazaea, from Yunan University of Finance and Economics, China

Dr. Saddam A. Hazaea, from Yunan University of Finance and Economics, China
Participants Breakout Room 1

Breakout Room 2: Session Chair: Dr. Yeo Sook Fern, from Multimedia University, Malaysia

Participants of Breakout Room 2

Breakout Room 3: Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Rovena I. Dellova, DEM, from Lyceum of the Philippines University, Philippines

Participants of Breakout Room 3

The discussion was very intriguing, and essential questions are looming. All of the presenters presented the results of their research with great enthusiasm. They share the knowledge from a result of research to improve knowledge. As well as getting scientific feedback from the session chair and audience/attendee with a Q&A session. Through this virtual conference, we still have an opportunity to share knowledge, develop knowledge together, and get a new insight for each other.

Online Presentation Session 2

The next session was an Online Presentation Session 2, through 3 breakout rooms and moderated by 3 Session Chairs. They are the one who lead presenters when presenting their papers and their backgrounds are from various universities in the world. In Breakout Room 1 leads by Assoc. Prof. Vinay Chamoli, Ph.D, CHE from Maharaja Agrasen University, India. Breakout Room 2 leads by Assistant Professor Dr. Aunkrisa Sangchumnong from Suan Dusit University, Thailand. Breakout Room 3 leads by  Assoc. Prof. Marilyn F. Isip, Ph.D from Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Each breakout room consists of 7 to 8 participants.

Breakout Room 1: Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Vinay Chamoli, Ph.D, CHE from Maharaja Agrasen University, India

Assoc. Prof. Vinay Chamoli, Ph.D, CHE from Maharaja Agrasen University, India
Participants of Breakout Room 1

Breakout Room 2: Session Chair: Assistant Professor Dr. Aunkrisa Sangchumnong from Suan Dusit University, Thailand

Assistant Professor Dr. Aunkrisa Sangchumnong from Suan Dusit University, Thailand

Breakout Room 3: Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Marilyn F. Isip, Ph.D from Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Assoc. Prof. Marilyn F. Isip, Ph.D from Polytechnic University of the Philippines with one of the presenter

The discussion was very intriguing, and essential questions are looming. All of the presenters presented the results of their research with great enthusiasm. They share the knowledge from a result of research to improve knowledge. As well as getting scientific feedback from the session chair and audience/attendee with a Q&A session. Through this virtual conference, we still have an opportunity to share knowledge, develop knowledge together, and get a new insight for each other.

The last session of the conference, awarding certificates to the best presenter. This selection is given based on the assessment of the session chair in charge of presentation sessions.

The Best Presentation – International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation  (ICMRSI) is: 

Author: Ida Musdafia Ibrahim

Paper ID: MSI22144

Paper Title: “Are the Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Sub-Sector Industry Listed on the IDX Affected by Financial Distress Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic?”

Author: Rudy Sutadi

Paper ID: MSI22174

Paper Title: “Effectiveness of Smart Applied Behavior Analysis Intervention in Teaching Non-Verbal Autism to Speak and Read”

Author: Nursyuhada Ain Binti Ali Husin

Paper ID: MSI22201

Paper Title: “Gamified Drivers on Consumer Loyalty in Online Food Delivery Apps”

Author: Grachiel Domingo Ancheta

Paper ID: MSI22210

Paper Title: “Effects of Internet Marketing to Consumer Buying Behavior of Food Businesses”

Author: Maya Syafriana Effendi

Paper ID: MSI22123

Paper Title: “A Comparative Analysis of Commercial Bank Based on Business Activities Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange”

Author: Joshua Bry Peralta Agag

Paper ID: MSI22206

Paper Title: “Level of Motivation of Northwestern University Employees’”

The Best Paper– International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation (ICMRSI) is: 

Author: Arneliza Anwar, Rudy Sutadi, Chairita Miranda

Paper ID: MSI22175

Paper Title: “Development of Discrete Trial Training (DTT) Procedure in Smart Applied Behavior Analysis (Smart ABA) for Autism”

At the end of day 1, closing speech was given by Dr. Choirul Anwar SE, MBA, MAFIS, MCIS, Ak, CA, CPA, CSRS, CSRA, CPI as a Director of International Office of UPI Y.A.I. 

DAY 2 of ICMRSI 2022

The conference opened with a welcome address by Mrs. Santi Rahmawati as MC.

Mrs. Santi Rahmawati with Joanna Vogeley

Next session was presented by Dr. Sularso Budilaksono, M.Kom Head of OC ICMRSI 2022 from Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I. He was giving welcome remarks and opening speech from the committee. He hoped that this event could bring a better research ecosystem and the opportunity to strengthen research in the future.  

(Dr. Sularso Budilaksono)

Keynote Speaker Session 1

The First keynote speaker session from Joanna Vogeley (MPC, MRes, Ph.D) from Macquarie University, Australia. 

(Joanna Vogeley)
Joanna Vogeley (MPC, MRes, Ph.D), Mrs. Santi Rahmawati and Atty. Ferdinand S. Nicolas when question and answer session

Keynote Speaker Session 2

The next keynote speaker session from Atty. Ferdinand S. Nicolas from Northwestern University, Philippines. 

Atty. Ferdinand S. Nicolas from Northwestern University, Philippines

Online Presentation Session 1

The next session was an Online Presentation through 3 breakout rooms and moderated by 3 Session Chairs. They are the one who lead presenters when presenting their papers and their backgrounds are from various universities in the world. In Breakout Room 1 leads by Engr. Christopher C. Mira from Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Breakout Room 2 leads by Dr. Leong Choi Meng from Graduate Business School, UCSI University, Malaysia. Breakout room 3 leads by  Assoc. Prof. Rovena I. Dellova, DEM from Lyceum of the Philippines University, Philippines. Each breakout room consists of 7 to 8 participants.

Participants of ICMRSI 2022 Day 2
Participants of ICMRSI 2022 Day 2

Breakout Room 1: Session Chair: Engr. Christopher C. Mira from Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Presenter of Breakout room 1
Engr. Christopher C. Mira with one of the presenter Mrs. Oka Saraswati

Breakout Room 2: Session Chair: Dr. Leong Choi Meng from Graduate Business School, UCSI University, Malaysia

Dr. Leong Choi Meng with one of the presenter
Presenter of Breakout room2

Breakout Room 3: Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Rovena I. Dellova, DEM from Lyceum of the Philippines University, Philippines

Assoc. Prof. Rovena I. Dellova, DEM with presenter of breakout room 3

The discussion was very intriguing, and essential questions are looming. All of the presenters presented the results of their research with great enthusiasm. They share the knowledge from a result of research to improve knowledge. As well as getting scientific feedback from the session chair and audience/attendee with a Q&A session. Through this virtual conference, we still have an opportunity to share knowledge, develop knowledge together, and get a new insight for each other.

Online Presentation Session 2

The next session was an Online Presentation Session 2, through 3 breakout rooms and moderated by 3 Session Chairs. They are the one who lead presenters when presenting their papers and their backgrounds are from various universities in the world. In Breakout Room 1 leads by Assistant Professor Dr. Aunkrisa Sangchumnong – Suan Dusit University, Thailand. Breakout Room 2 leads by Dr. Silvia Catalan Ambag – Quezon City University, Philippines. Breakout room 3 leads by   Dr. Ronielle B. Antonio – City College of Angeles, Philippines. Each breakout room consists of 7 to 8 participants.

Breakout Room 1: Session Chair: Assistant Professor Dr. Aunkrisa Sangchumnong – Suan Dusit University, Thailand

Assistant Professor Dr. Aunkrisa Sangchumnong
Assistant Professor Dr. Aunkrisa Sangchumnong and one of the presenter

Breakout Room 2: Session Chair: Dr. Silvia Catalan Ambag – Quezon City University, Philippines

Dr. Silvia Catalan Ambag
Dr. Silvia Catalan Ambag with presenters of breakout room 2

Breakout Room 3: Session Chair: Dr. Ronielle B. Antonio – City College of Angeles, Philippines

Dr. Ronielle B. Antonio with presenter of breakout room 3
Dr. Ronielle B. Antonio with presenter in question and answer session

The discussion was very intriguing, and essential questions are looming. All of the presenters presented the results of their research with great enthusiasm. They share the knowledge from a result of research to improve knowledge. As well as getting scientific feedback from the session chair and audience/attendee with a Q&A session. Through this virtual conference, we still have an opportunity to share knowledge, develop knowledge together, and get a new insight for each other.

The last session of the conference, awarding certificates to the best presenter. This selection is given based on the assessment of the session chair in charge of presentation sessions.

The Best Presentation – International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation  (ICMRSI) is: 

Author: Arbania Fitriani

Paper ID: MSI22146

Paper Title: “Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Testing for the WOCC (Ways of Coping Checklist) Instrument Based on Gender”

Author: Arlina Permanasari

Paper ID: MSI22205

Paper Title: “Measuring Papuan Armed Criminal Group in 2010-2020: International Humanitarian Law Perspective”

Author: Octaviani Indrasari Ranakusuma

Paper ID: MSI22154

Paper Title: “The Use of Digital Application to Screen Students’ Mental Health”

Author: Mohammad Daffa Ramaditya Aryo Bimo

Paper ID: MSI22194

Paper Title: “Healthy Buildings in the Sanga Mandala Concept”

Author: Ayu Anindia Hizraini

Paper ID: MSI22189

Paper Title: “Character Education in the Storybook of “The Champion Who Has a Soft Heart” by Yusman Nasution and the Relevance with Literature Learning in Elementary School”

Author: Susi Yunarti

Paper ID: MSI22190

Paper Title: “For Global Communication, Is It NeededSoft Skills of Foreign Language as College Graduation Requirement in Indonesia”

The Best Paper– International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation (ICMRSI) is: 

Author: Arbania Fitriani

Paper ID: MSI22146

Paper Title: “Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Testing for the WOCC (Ways of Coping Checklist) Instrument Based on Gender”

At the end of day 1, closing speech was given by Dr. Euis Puspita Dewi , ST. M,Si as a Vice of Head OC ICMRSI 2022. 

With this virtual meeting, it is hoped that all participants will gain valuable knowledge, and collaboration will be formed to continue research so that it is more developed. Even though the pandemic still exists, this does not discourage us from researching and sharing knowledge globally from all participants in various countries. The ICMRSI conference is held as an ecosystem of scientific meetings following the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

See you on the next agenda!

Conference Website link: https://www.ICMRSI.com/ 

Watch ICMRSI Conference here: https://bit.ly/Documentation_ICMRSI

The abstract conference proceeding book with ISBN can be seen in the conference website icmrsi.com or click the image below.