Insight Articles

Image - JEFLTR Editorial Board and Reviewer Meeting – SCOPUS Indexing Preparation

JEFLTR Editorial Board and Reviewer Meeting – SCOPUS Indexing Preparation

We are thrilled to report the successful Editorial Board and Reviewer Meeting for the Journal of English as a Foreign Language Teaching and Research (JEFLTR), which took place on September 28, 2023. JEFLTR stands as a distinguished peer-reviewed publication, a testament to the joint collaboration between the Post Graduate School of English Education at Universitas Mulawarman and the Research Synergy Foundation (RSF).


Our journal, JEFLTR, is a bastion of scholarly excellence, with a primary focus on English language studies. However, its scope extends far beyond to encompass theoretical, descriptive, and applied English linguistics, language learning and teaching methodologies, the dynamic evolution of English worldwide, comparative linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, anthropological linguistics, computational linguistics, discourse analysis, English language for specific purposes, translation, English Language Teaching, and the intersection of Linguistics and Literature. In essence, JEFLTR serves as an invaluable platform for teachers, linguists, and researchers worldwide to engage in the exchange and dissemination of both theoretical and practice-oriented papers, charting the frontiers of advances in English Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature.

The crux of our recent meeting was to delve into a comprehensive Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis of JEFLTR. This strategic discussion plays a pivotal role in shedding light on our journal's current status and identifying avenues for strategic enhancement. Our collective aspiration remains crystal clear - we aspire to elevate JEFLTR's stature to the coveted Scopus index. Achieving this milestone would undeniably amplify our academic reach and solidify our credibility within the academic domain.

As esteemed members of the Editorial Board and Reviewer Team, your insights, and contributions are invaluable to our pursuit of excellence. Your involvement in this critical discourse is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to an enriching and productive exchange of ideas during the meeting.