Insight Articles

Image - Now Published AQA Vol. 4 No. 2

Now Published AQA Vol. 4 No. 2

Social and business studies are intricate landscapes—one issue seamlessly intertwines with another, constantly evolving with time. Amid this complexity, quantitative studies stand out with their unique precision, offering not just clarity in understanding trends but also the power to forecast the future. 

In the latest issue of Applied Quantitative Analysis (AQA), 11 thought-provoking articles delve into diverse topics, from social dynamics and education to business and management—all through the lens of quantitative research. 

What insights might these data-driven perspectives uncover? Explore the latest issue of AQA here: https://journals.researchsynergypress.com/index.php/aqa/issue/view/136.

  1. Positive Character and Academic Achievement: The Moderating Role of Family Function

Authors: Hasanuddin Hasanuddin, Rahmi Lubis, Lince Kristina Tafonao, Zain Adawiyah


  1. The Effect of Nurturing Program, Boarding School, and The Use of Social Media on The Character Building of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang Cadets

Authors: Andy Wahyu Hermanto, Ariyanti Sri Nugraheni, Dhadhang Tri Sudarmoyo, Achmad Ridwan


  1. Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Cement Plant Location Selection Using SMART Method: A Case Study of PT. RKB

Authors: Toman Nico Felani Sihombing, Utomo Sarjono Putro


  1. Analyzing The Impact of Online Marketing on Students' Purchase Decisions on Shopee E-Commerce in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

Authors: Lati Sari Dewi, Risman Barkah


  1. Exponential Mean Modeling of Coping Strategies and Dietary Diversity During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mozambique

Authors: Abayomi Samuel Oyekale


  1. Board Performance of Fisheries Graduates: Logistic Regression Analysis for Curriculum Enhancement

Authors: Nora M Matusalem, Marcial M Bandoy, Chester Alexis C Buama, Karen A Manaig, Alberto D Yazon


  1. E-Business Online Experience, Satisfaction and Trust: Basis for Customer Loyalty among Selected SMEs in Bulacan

Authors: Allan B Pleno, Araceli M Reclusado


  1. Shaping Patient Loyalty through Quality Care: Analyzing Patient Satisfaction in Public Hospitals in Ghana

Authors: Francis Osei, Alfred Owusu, Collins Kankam-Kwarteng, Gertrude Agyemang, Joyce Dankwah Owusu


  1. Employees’ Work-Life Balance and Career Contentment in a Philippine Local Government Unit

Authors: Bryle Jhon W Concepcion, Lemuelle Bea O Cruz, Anne Lorraine A Chavez, Jesus P Briones, Marmelo V Abante


  1. The Role of Psychological Capital and Job Securities Factors on Shaping Readiness to Change

Authors: Emmanuel Taru Guritna, Tri Panca Titis Arbiansyah


  1. Communication Skills and Timely Delivery of NGO Projects in Lagos State: A Study of Female Project Managers

Authors: Riyanat Olasumbo Tiamiyu, Yusuf Adedayo Lawal, Segun Oluwaseun Olabode
