
Our Previous Publication

We Are Supporting And Promoting OPEN SCIENCE

To make all scientific works accessible for all elements including academics, industry/ professionals, government, a community of society and media, the Research Synergy Foundation promotes the inclusiveness of knowledge dissemination among us. By combining the tools of science and information technologies, scientific enquiry and discovery can be sped up for the benefit of society. Open science reduces duplication in collecting, creating, transferring and re-using scientific material. You may find our previous member’s scientific publication comes from our prominent programs such as International Conferences, and Scientific and Academic Writing: Coaching Clinics. All the articles already published in the reputable international journals indexed by SCOPUS/ WOS/ Copernicus/ DOAJ/ Dimension/ Google Scholar.

Machine learning methods to predict particulate matter PM2.5

Naveen Palanichamy, Su-Cheng Haw, Subramanian S, Rishanti Murugan, Kuhaneswaran Govindasamy

One- and Five-Ringgit Malaysia banknotes reader with counterfeit detection for visually impaired person using backlight mechanism and image processing techniques

Turki Khaled Salem, Wai Kit Wong, Thu Soe Min, Eng Kiong Wong

An exploratory investigation on the determinants of successful collaborative projects in the Malaysian construction industry

Jamaludin Jupir, Kamarulzaman Ab Aziz, Intan Soraya Rosdi, Syamsuri Yaakob, Seyed Hadi Razavi

How did the US and UK markets react to the COVID-19 vaccines’ announcements? A preliminary assessment

Manar Abushosheh, Shabbir Bohara, Davide Contu, Elgilani Elshareif, Ikhlaas Gurrib

Shifting the water paradigm from social good to economic good and the state’s role in fulfilling the right to water

Arinto Nurcahyono, Fabian Fadhly Jambak, Abdul Rohman


Our Journal Affiliation

We Are Supporting And Promoting OPEN SCIENCE

Research integrity refers to aligning research activities with ethical principles and responsible conduct. This enables other academics to have confidence in research findings. Adherence to these standards can ensure the dissemination of high-quality research. This value of integrity is our foundation for developing and selecting our journal affiliations. Research Synergy Foundation develops International Journals through its sub ecosystem Research Synergy Press. The International Journal is published by Research Synergy Press and indexed in several platforms such as Google Scholar, Dimension, Crossref, ROAD, DOAJ, Copernicus dan etc. Another level of journal affiliations provide by Research Synergy Foundation to facilitate the publication venue of our member is collaboration between Research Synergy Foundation and Taylor and Francis Group through establishing RSF Gateway in F1000research (Scopus Q1) and Open Access Membership with Cogent Open Access (Scopus Q1/Q2/Q3).

Research Synergy Press Open access journals

Research Synergy Press is a part of Global Research Ecosystem by Research Synergy Foundation provides a wide range of scientific journals in specific field of research includes Social science, education, business, management, economy, entrepreneurship, engineering, sustainability studies, governance, compliance and risk management, humanities, engineering, medical and health studies and

SCOPUS Indexed Open Science Platform: F1000research RSF Gateway

The Research Synergy Foundation gateway provides a venue for the dissemination of ideas from a diverse range of scholars. Building on the excellent work of RSF in supporting global researchers to prepare their research for publication, this venue offers an innovative open science platform to share this research with the world includes social science, economics,

What is Cogent OA?

Cogent OA is a multidisciplinary series of broad-scope open access journals, helping researchers share their ideas and discoveries as widely and effectively as possible.

The Cogent OA journals are run by prestigious editorial boards with a strong focus on constructive peer review, rapid publication, and the universal dissemination of authors’ work.


International Conference Proceeding

We publish research presented and discussed at prestigious conferences in business & management, social science, engineering, health studies, life science, art and humanities and related subjects worldwide. Key topics include but are not limited to economics, sustainability, business, marketing, engineering, life science, health studies, etc. Research Synergy Foundation published two types of International Conference Proceedings through their publisher named, Research Synergy Press. The first is the International Conference Proceeding series, which consist of RSF Conference Series: Engineering and Technology, RSF Conference Series: Medical and Health Science, and RSF Conference Series: Business, Management, and Social Science. Another Conference Proceeding is a Single Conference Proceeding associated with a specific International Conference title, such as Proceedings of The International Halal Science and Technology Conference.

RSF Conference Proceeding Series: Business, Management and Social Science provides practician, academician, and other relevant professionals throughout the world with the opportunity to exchanges and disseminates both theoritical and empirical for the advancement of:

a. Business includes Familiy business, creative business, Business model, Small medium enterprise (SME), digital business, Business economics, business administration and all areas in business.

RSF Conference Proceeding Series: Engineering and Technology brings the most current research presented at conferences to a global readership. The series features volumes (in electronic formats) of selected contributions from conferences in all areas Engineering and Technology in thie era. In addition to an overall evaluation by the publisher of the topical interest, scientific quality, and timeliness of each volume, each contribution is refereed to standards comparable to those of leading publications, resulting in authoritative contributions to

RSF Conference Proceeding Series: Medical and Health Science brings the most current research presented at conferences to a global readership. The series features volumes (in electronic formats) of selected contributions from conferences in all areas Medical and Health Science. In addition to an overall evaluation by the publisher of the topical interest, scientific quality, and timeliness of each volume, each contribution is refereed to standards comparable to those of leading proceedings, resulting in authoritative

The International Halal Science and Technology Conference 2021 (IHSATEC): 14th Halal Science Industry and Business (HASIB) is a conference collaboration program between The Halal Science Center Chulalongkorn University (HSC-CU), Research Synergy Foundation (RSF), The Halal Standard Institute of Thailand, and The Central Islamic Council of Thailand. The general objective is to provide a platform and stimulate discussions on issues surrounding the various spectrums in the field of Food Science and Nutrition, Food Safety and Management, Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, Blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT), Health and Physical Science, Nanoscience and Technology, Environment and Green Technology, Post COVID-19 Management, Digital Marketing and Data Driven Marketing, E-Business and Mobile Commerce, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Islamic Finance, and Cosmetic Science.

The Proceedings of International Conference on Management, Education and Social Science (MESS) has published with registered number ISBN 978-602-5902-72-7, published by RSF Press affiliated with Research Synergy Foundation. The MESS Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of management, education and social studies. In addition, the MESS presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields Finance in management, Marketing management, Operations management, Purchasing management, Human resources management, Management information systems, Management science, Early childhood education, Elementary education, Secondary education, Higher education, Mastery learning, Ethnic and cultural studies, Gender and sexuality studies, Organizational studies, Sociology and Anthropology. 

The Proceedings of International Teaching and Science Education (ICTASE) has published with registered number ISBN 978-602-5902-73-4, published by RSF Press affiliated with Research Synergy Foundation. The ICTASE Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of management, education and social studies. In addition, the ICTASE presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields Early child development, Cognitive psychology, Sociology of learning and teaching, Technologies of teaching, Learning in digital eras, Curriculum review and research, School-and community-based management, Pedagogy, Childcare management, Teacher education practices, Science education, Technology education, Engineering education, Mathematics education, Vocational education and Management education. 

The Proceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020 – Political and Social Science (PSS) has published with registered number ISBN 9786236-896129. This proceeding is a collaboration conference program between Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “VETERAN” Yogyakarta (UPN Veteran Yogyakarta) and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF).  The PSS Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of Engineering and Science. In addition, the PSS presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields Political Science, International Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies, Policy Studies, Public Administration, Social Science, Tourism, Education, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, Sociology, Psychology, Business Administration, Communication Studies, Public Relations and Mass Communication. 

The Proceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020 – Political and Social Science (PSS) has published with registered number ISBN 9786236-896129. This proceeding is a collaboration conference program between Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “VETERAN” Yogyakarta (UPN Veteran Yogyakarta) and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF).  The PSS Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of Engineering and Science. In addition, the PSS presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields Political Science, International Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies, Policy Studies, Public Administration, Social Science, Tourism, Education, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, Sociology, Psychology, Business Administration, Communication Studies, Public Relations and Mass Communication. 

The Proceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020 – Engineering and Science (ESS) has published with registered number ISBN 9786236896365. This proceeding is a collaboration conference program between Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “VETERAN” Yogyakarta (UPN Veteran Yogyakarta) and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF).  The ESS Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of Engineering and Science. In addition, the ESS presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields Earth Science, Mineral Technology, Geology, Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, Nanotechnology, Food engineering, Industrial Engineering, Agriculture Technology, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Environment Studies. 

The Proceeding of Japan International Business and Management Research Conference (JIBM) has published with registered number ISBN 978-602-5902-79-6, published by RSF Press affiliated with Research Synergy Foundation. The JIBM Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of business and management. In addition, the JIBM presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields Entrepreneurship, Sales management, Business Ethic, Operation management, Business law, Human resource, Business administration, Organizational behavior, Small business, Industrial relations, E-business, Tourism & catering, Marketing, Secretarial studies, Hotel management, Financial management. All articles to be published in this proceedings have undergone rigorous peer review by Conference Scientific review committees.

The Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Economy, Management and Social Studies towards Sustainable Economy (BEMSS) has published with registered number ISBN 978-602-5902-70-3 (PDF), published by RSF Press affiliated with Research Synergy Foundation. The BEMSS Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of business, economy, Management and social studies towards sustainable economy. In addition, the BEMSS presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields Business Studies, Public Administration, Organizational Behavior, Sociology, Industrial Relations, Political Science, Personnel Management, Management Science, Banking & Finance,Operation Management,Accounting,Risk Management,Economic, Psychology, E-Business. The BEMSS proceedings welcomes research manuscripts, reflective reports on innovation in Economy, business, management and any social studies, as well as reviews on professional/ practical resource.

The Proceeding of International Conference of Education in the New Normal Era has published with registered number ISBN 978-602-5902-84-0. This proceeding is a collaboration conference program between Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF).  The ICEIAKN Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of Educational Technology. In addition, the ICEIAKN presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields PChristian Religious Education, Theology, Sociology, Tourism, Humanities, Pastoral Counseling, Christian Leadership, Music, Educational Management, and Early Childhood Education in the New Normal Era. All articles to be published in this proceedings have undergone rigorous peer review by Conference Scientific review committees.

The Proceeding on International Conference of Science Management Art Research Technology (IC-SMART) has published with registered number ISBN 978-602-5902-77-2. This proceeding is a collaborative program between Ikatan Dosen Republik Indonesia (IDRI) with Research Synergy Foundation and RSF Press. The IC-SMART Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of science management, Art Research and Technology. In addition, the IC-SMART presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields Management Science, Business, Economic, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Art, Social science, Applied science, Natural science, Industrial Engineering, Information Technology, Technology Commercialization, Technology Management, Engineering, Cultural Studies, Education, Accounting.

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 describes the exponential changes to the way we live, work, and relate to one another due to the adoption of cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, and the Internet of Systems. This revolution is expected to impact all disciplines, industries, business, and economics. Therefore, the main goal of the conference was to provide recent research related development of digital technology to the business, economics, management, and accounting field. These proceedings consist of selected papers, accepted after a rigid review process covering several issues in strategic decision making, management, accounting, policy studies, knowledge management, innovation management, applied economics, econometrics, capital market, and marketing & sales management. It will provide details beyond what is possible to be included in an oral presentation and constitute a concise but timely medium for the dissemination of recent research results.

Technology development is critical in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 nowadays. Engineering, information systems, information technology, and also agricultural technology development play a vital role in this era. Technology development has an impact on all aspects of people lives. The main goal of the conference was to give an overview of the newest research in civil engineering, electrical engineering, information systems, information technology and agricultural technology in relation with the global digital revolution 4.0.
The proceedings consists of papers, selected after a rigid review process, covering several areas in plant science engineering, including agriculture technology, food and nutrient technology, and agrotechnology. Electrical and information technology, civil engineering and planology were also included as a part of the research treated in the proceedings. It will provide details beyond what is possible to be included in an oral presentation and constitutes a concise and timely medium for the dissemination of recent research results. SCIS Conference Proceedings 2019 will be invaluable to professionals and academics in civil engineering, electrical engineering, information systems, information technology, and agricultural technology to prepare for the digital revolution 4.0.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to raise global income levels and improve the quality of life for populations around the world. Technology development of AI, self-driving, big data, the Internet of things, and many digital revolutions have changed how people interact with each other. Therefore, developing a comprehensive and globally shared view of how technology is affecting our lives and reshaping our social, cultural, and human environments is essential. There has never been a time of more significant promise, or one of greater potential peril. Today’s decision-makers, however, are too often trapped in traditional, linear thinking, or too absorbed by the multiple crises demanding their attention, to think strategically about the forces of disruption and innovation shaping our future.
The main goal of the conference was to provide an outlet for papers discussing the importance and impact of industrial revolution 4.0 to influence social aspect in human life. The proceedings consist of papers covering issues on psychology, law, communication studies, culture, religion, and literature. The proceedings will provide the latest research and constitute a concise but timely medium for the dissemination.

Industrial Revolution 4.0 has dramatically changed the business and social landscape, including human behavior not only in advanced countries but also in emerging countries. Technology development affects many aspects in our society, including education. Distance learning, big data and analytics, artificial intelligent and many digital innovations have been released to improve better quality education in our society. These proceedings provide selected papers/research about innovative digital technology in education and pedagogy in Industrial revolution 4.0 covering issues like: pedagogy, education management, early childhood education, research in education, training and vocational education and social science education, earth science education and art/linguistic education related to digital innovation.

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 will not only cause job losses, but will also create new workspaces that may not exist today. It also needs to be considered by accountants in government because the processes of budget planning, budget execution, and financial reporting have used a large number of information systems. In the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the changes will be faster, marked by the emergence of such systems as supercomputers, smart robots, cloud computing, big data systems, genetic engineering and the development of neurotechnology that allows humans to optimize brain function further. Industrial Revolution 4.0 will disrupt the accounting profession. This proceedings provides selected papers/research on government accounting, accountability and integrity public sector accounting, financial accounting, accounting information system, auditing and assurance, corporate sustainability, forensic and management accounting, public and corporate finance, taxation and customs, open innovation in public sector accounting. 

One of the main challenges faced by all entrepreneurs, is the need to growth. Growth is part of all organizations, it implies continuous growth of sales, purchases, number of employees, profit and thus the growth of the enterprise. Most innovations that are part of the organizations are derived from the internal organization. Industrial Revolution 4.0 provides both opportunities and challenges to all entrepreneurs to grow their business. The rapid development of technology and all digital aspects create opportunities of innovation in organizations.

These proceedings provide details beyond what is possible to be included in an oral presentation and constitute a concise but timely medium for the dissemination of recent research results. It will be invaluable to professionals and academics in the field of business, entrepreneurship and economics to get an understanding of recent research developments.

The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World 2019 (2nd ICIB 2019) provides the theme The Role of Government, Business, and Society in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals. This International Conference was giving a new perspective on how business, government, and society contribute to achieving sustainable development goals. It organizes by Business Administration Department of Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Research Synergy Foundation and Indonesia Association of Business Administration (AIABI). The International Conference held on March 6th, 2019 at Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel Jakarta Indonesia and presented more than 100 papers from various countries such as Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, USA, Australia, Thailand and Philipines from academicians and practitioners.

We are delighted to welcome you to the International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life (ICT4BL) by Universitas Budi Luhur and Research Synergy Foundation as official partner held on July 17 – 18, 2019 at Novotel Bangkok Sukhumvit 20, Bangkok, Thailand. The aim of Conference is to bring together leading academician, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of IT, Communication and Technology.

The 1st International Conference on Anti Corruption and Integrity (1st ICOACI) provides the theme Strengthening Transparency & Accountability for the Better Public-Private Governance. This International Conference was giving a new perspective on Anti-corruption research issues both private and public governance. It organized by Universitas Paramadina and Research Synergy Foundation. The International Conference held on September, 2019 at Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel Jakarta Indonesia and presented more than 40 papers from various countries such as Indonesia, Australia, Afganistan, Japan and other countries from academicians and practitioners.

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta, was established in 1958. UPN motto is “dedicating knowledge for the development of the nation” by consequently creating an atmosphere for dynamic learning culture and intellectual systems are among our top priorities. Therefore, UPN continuously strives to create the necessary condition for engagement of lectures, student, community, knowledge enhancement, and scholarly activities. UPN has a strong professional orientation that focuses on academic excellence as well as graduate employability. The civitas academia of UPN encourages engagement in active teaching-learning process as well as research projects among non-profit activities in the community on the basis of social responsibility by ensuring the partake of the university owing to be able to take part in development of our communities and contribute to a more sustainable future. Strong grassroots and cultural knowledge-based also enable us to maintain our local wisdom by the same time we expand our horizon internationally by frequently participating in international events and conferences.


Catalogue of Conference Abstract E-Book

A conference abstract book catalogue is a collection of abstracts from presenters at an international conference. The book provides a summary of the research presented and other important information, such as the conference program, the organizing and reviewer committee, the conference chair message, the keynote speaker, invited speakers, the session chair profile, and more. Overall, the conference abstract book catalogue is an essential resource for anyone attending the conference, as it provides an overview of its presentations, events, and associated information.

Proceedings of The Jakarta International Conference on Research Innovation and Sustainable Development (JICRISD) is a scientific output from a conference collaboration program between LPPM Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta and Research Synergy Foundation. JICRISD 2022 theme is “Responding Crisis with Innovation and Scientific Research to Support Sustainable Development”. The expected contribution of this Proceeding is to give an interdisciplinary insight into the latest research and study in line with the innovation and sustainable development issue.

Chief Editor :

Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, M.A., Ph.D.
Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, S.E., M.M.
Santi Rahmawati, S.T., M.S.M.