Scientific & Academic Writing SCOPUS e-Coaching Clinic Mar 2023

On March 27, 2023, the Scientific and Academic Writing: E-Coaching Clinic held its March Series 2023, providing researchers and academics with helpful information about publishing their research articles in F1000research and Cogent OA. The event was attended by various experts in the field, including Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih (Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), Ani Wahyu Rachmawati (Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1), and Santi Rahmawati (Gateway Advisor F1000research Scopus Q1).

The event kicked off with Mrs. Ani providing an overview of the e-coaching program and how to understand review results. This was followed by Dr. Hendrati, who discussed the Reporting Guideline Standard of F1000 and Cogent OA and Review Discussion. Santi then took the stage and talked about the do's and don'ts of publishing in F1000 and Cogent OA, providing valuable insights and tips.

Last but not least, Mrs. Santi then shared practical information on how to prepare and upload data to open repositories, using F1000research and Cogent OA standards. Finally, Mrs. Ani provided guidance on how to submit articles to F1000research and Cogent OA.
The event concluded with an action plan to help attendees take the necessary steps to publish their research articles successfully.
Overall, the Scientific and Academic Writing: E-Coaching Clinic March Series 2023 was a success, providing valuable insights and guidance to researchers and academics on publishing their work in F1000research and Cogent OA.